It's hard to believe that it's been almost a full year since my husband has been looking for work. There have been so many days that I have cried to God asking how much longer must we go on like this? Life has been so tough this year, beyond tough sometimes, and I have grown so weary of traveling this road? I also have been looking for work but was having no success at finding anything. This week, God has answered that prayer for work. Though, not exactly like we thought. We always thought that Brian would be the one to find and take on a full time job and I would take on the part-time work and caring for our girls and the day to day running of the house. But last week an job opportunity opened up, I had an interview and just like that, I was hired. I'm still in a bit of shock over the whole thing but incredibly grateful.
Of course, along with a new job comes changes...what season of life doesn't have change? I will go to a 40 hour work week, which I haven't done in a long time, Brian will take on being Mr. Mom a little bit more, and some of my long held dreams will have to be put on hold once again. Those are tough things for me, but like I told the Lord earlier.."I'm willing Lord if you open the door...willing to lay down my dreams for my family, for whatever else you have for me in this...trusting that one day you will bring those dreams back if it's in your plan. In the meantime, just help me to walk in faith in this new place."
Reflecting on that it brings to mind a verse that many of you know well "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."(Jeremiah 29:11) I hold onto that every day.
During this season, that we remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus, I also have to think about Mary and what she said to the angel when He told her that she has been chosen to carry God's own son. Can you imagine what must have filled her mind? Here was a young girl that was engaged to be married. She had all the hope and excitement for the future that comes when you anticipate your wedding and living a life with the one you love. I'm sure she had hopes and dreams too...maybe even big dreams...and just like that those dreams seemed like they would be snuffed out. But what strikes me most about Mary, this young women of God, was her response: "Mary responded, "I am the Lord's servant, and I am willing to accept whatever he wants. May everything you have said come true." (Luke 1:38) Wow!! Now that is faith. In that instance she let go of what she wanted to take on what God wanted. And I am so grateful for that. Through Mary's obedience, a Savior was born, who then grew, was crucified on a cross, and rose three days later...offering salvation to the world, offering salvation to you and to me.
Now, I'm no Mary! I can't say that I always say Yes right away when I know God is calling me to something, when He's asking me to step somewhere I can't see real well. There are days I still worry over how all this will work out but my hope and reassurance is that if "God brought me to it, he'll bring me through it". I want to be a Mary kind of women! Lord help me be a Mary kind of women.!
May you be blessed this Christmas season. Remember...It's not so much about whats under the tree but about the man who died on a tree...not so much about what's under the tree but who's around the tree. Love on your family and those close to you, shine the light of his Holy Spirit where ever you may go!
Journey with a Purpose - Encouragement for Everyday Women

- Victoria Mininger
- First and foremost I am a daughter of the King. Bought and paid for by His blood and saved by grace. In life I wear many hats. Some of the most important hats are being a Wife and a Mom. I have been married to the love of my life, Brian, for 14years. We have four daughters Michaela(12), Anna(10), Rachel(10) and Kaitlyn(7). They bring so much joy to our lives. There is never a dull ,and rarely, a quiet moment in our days (except when they are asleep), but honestly we wouldn't have it any other way. During the summer of 2009 our family moved to Nelson County, VA. We followed a calling the Lord placed on our hearts to Pastor and plant a new Cornerstone Church in Nelson County. We look forward to all that God wants to do in and through his people here in Nelson. Other than being a wife, mom and partner in ministry I am also working at earning my degree in Women's Ministry from Liberty University.
~"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2 Corinthians 1:4 (NLT)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Christ...not just for Christmas anymore ~
This was part of a discussion board I shared last year around Christmas time - it was a good reminder going into this Christmas Season for our family that Christ is not just for Christmas anymore ~
With Christmas quickly approaching I have been reflecting once again on how I as a Mom and a follower of Christ can help keep "Christ" in Christmas. Every year I wonder what is the best way to make sure we don't forget what the true meaning of Christmas is and not let Jesus get lost in all the giving of presents, the holiday meals and into the New Year. I desire to teach my girls that while the giving and receiving of gifts is fun (who doesn't love to receive a gift) that it is about the gift of ourselves that Christ most cherishes.
Of course, like any family, we have traditions. For the Mininger's - We always go and pick out a Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving and then decorate it as a family. While decorating we play Christmas Music and bake and eat lots of "Monkey" Bread. It's a time we all look forward too each year. We get out our count down snowman and beging to count down the days until Christmas, and then... we wait, countdown, shop and bake our way through the days until Christmas.
Christmas morning always arrives early at our house. We get up, eat breakfast together, have some more "Monkey" bread and sit down to open presents. We always read the account of Christ birth from the gospel of Luke, much to the jittery inpatience of our children. Finally, we have reached the time of opening gifts. We then spend the next..however long it open gifts, oh and ahh appropriately and's over. Done...No more... We spend the rest of the day either at home being lazy and enjoying family or some years it's off to the grandparents for a meal and more gift opening.
The part I love is the spending time with family without the worry of work or school or many of life's demands...
The part I hate is that just like that..come December's just over...done...we move on with our lives looking at the New Year and wondering what in the world we will resolve to do this New Year.
For our famiily...that's the part we really want to change this year....but how?
This is where I find my thoughts these days - answering the "How"?
So, this year, the Mininger's are chaning and adding a few traditions for our family. There are still those traditions we will keep but we have three key ones that we plan to add...with the hopes that it will help keep us more focused on the meaning of Christmas.
1st - Instead of waiting to read about the birth of Christ on Christmas morning...usually right before we open gifts and the kids are ready to bust...(which in our house means they are hearing very little) We plan to read and talk about the birth of Christ before we head to get our tree - This way, we can start out our celebration already thinking of Jesus and make it a month long focus and have time to talk about it, instead of just a quick time before opening gifts.
2nd- A "three" gift rule.
I remember one year, when Michaela was about four - that year she had recieved a lot of gifts, between us and grandparents...but despite that...when the last gift was opened she threw the biggest tantrum because... "What! No more gifts!But I want more!!" It was a shocking attitude that I never want to see repeated with any of my children. So, how do we still give and yet not create an attitude of "more...more" in our girls.
Now some years, of course, are leaner than others, but usually each girl receives several gifts. This year, we have decided that each child/adult will recieve no more than three gifts each.
This idea actually came from a professor of mine...but the three gifts we recieve helps remind us of the 3 gifts the wisemen brought to Jesus when they visited him. It also allows us not to get so carried away with gift giving that Christmas becomes more about what we get then what we can give to one another in serving and loving one another.
3rd - This last tradition is, to me, one of the most important and I look forward to seeing how each one in our family will go about fulfilling this particular "gift."
As a little girl I remember thinking "We get all these gifts, but what does God get? It's really his birthday isn't it?"
With that in mind I thought of an idea of how our family can give a gift to God throughout the year. ( Of course, the first and greatest gift we can give him is our own hearts, inviting him in, asking him to forgive us our sins and be Lord of our lives.)
This year, I will purchase a Shadow Box Frame.(Though a standard frame would work too) Then, on Christmas morning, each family member will recieve a slip of paper. On that slip of paper each one will write down what gift of themselves they committ to giving God that year. Maybe it's a gift of speaking kindly to their sisters, serving one another, a time of devotion every day, prayer....or whatever that person feels they want to give to God. Then, I will take the pieces of paper and mount them in the frame. Then we will hang the frame in our home somewhere were the family can see it and be reminded of what "gift" they had committed to God for the New Year.
For me it's not just about keeping Christ in Christmas but keeping him present in our lives each and every day of the Year.
My prayer is that this year...come December 26th...we will continue the celebration of Christ in our lives and that instead of all those New Year Resolutions..that I never seem to be able to keep anyway...that this year we will keep our committments to God to serve and love one another, both in our family and beyond.
What are some of your traditions as a family? What are some ways that you keep Christ in Christmas? How will you resolve to Keep Christ in this New Year?
Whatever it may be, my prayer is that you will continue to draw closer to God and purpose each day to serve Him with all your heart!
....Be Blessed today,
With Christmas quickly approaching I have been reflecting once again on how I as a Mom and a follower of Christ can help keep "Christ" in Christmas. Every year I wonder what is the best way to make sure we don't forget what the true meaning of Christmas is and not let Jesus get lost in all the giving of presents, the holiday meals and into the New Year. I desire to teach my girls that while the giving and receiving of gifts is fun (who doesn't love to receive a gift) that it is about the gift of ourselves that Christ most cherishes.
Of course, like any family, we have traditions. For the Mininger's - We always go and pick out a Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving and then decorate it as a family. While decorating we play Christmas Music and bake and eat lots of "Monkey" Bread. It's a time we all look forward too each year. We get out our count down snowman and beging to count down the days until Christmas, and then... we wait, countdown, shop and bake our way through the days until Christmas.
Christmas morning always arrives early at our house. We get up, eat breakfast together, have some more "Monkey" bread and sit down to open presents. We always read the account of Christ birth from the gospel of Luke, much to the jittery inpatience of our children. Finally, we have reached the time of opening gifts. We then spend the next..however long it open gifts, oh and ahh appropriately and's over. Done...No more... We spend the rest of the day either at home being lazy and enjoying family or some years it's off to the grandparents for a meal and more gift opening.
The part I love is the spending time with family without the worry of work or school or many of life's demands...
The part I hate is that just like that..come December's just over...done...we move on with our lives looking at the New Year and wondering what in the world we will resolve to do this New Year.
For our famiily...that's the part we really want to change this year....but how?
This is where I find my thoughts these days - answering the "How"?
So, this year, the Mininger's are chaning and adding a few traditions for our family. There are still those traditions we will keep but we have three key ones that we plan to add...with the hopes that it will help keep us more focused on the meaning of Christmas.
1st - Instead of waiting to read about the birth of Christ on Christmas morning...usually right before we open gifts and the kids are ready to bust...(which in our house means they are hearing very little) We plan to read and talk about the birth of Christ before we head to get our tree - This way, we can start out our celebration already thinking of Jesus and make it a month long focus and have time to talk about it, instead of just a quick time before opening gifts.
2nd- A "three" gift rule.
I remember one year, when Michaela was about four - that year she had recieved a lot of gifts, between us and grandparents...but despite that...when the last gift was opened she threw the biggest tantrum because... "What! No more gifts!But I want more!!" It was a shocking attitude that I never want to see repeated with any of my children. So, how do we still give and yet not create an attitude of "more...more" in our girls.
Now some years, of course, are leaner than others, but usually each girl receives several gifts. This year, we have decided that each child/adult will recieve no more than three gifts each.
This idea actually came from a professor of mine...but the three gifts we recieve helps remind us of the 3 gifts the wisemen brought to Jesus when they visited him. It also allows us not to get so carried away with gift giving that Christmas becomes more about what we get then what we can give to one another in serving and loving one another.
3rd - This last tradition is, to me, one of the most important and I look forward to seeing how each one in our family will go about fulfilling this particular "gift."
As a little girl I remember thinking "We get all these gifts, but what does God get? It's really his birthday isn't it?"
With that in mind I thought of an idea of how our family can give a gift to God throughout the year. ( Of course, the first and greatest gift we can give him is our own hearts, inviting him in, asking him to forgive us our sins and be Lord of our lives.)
This year, I will purchase a Shadow Box Frame.(Though a standard frame would work too) Then, on Christmas morning, each family member will recieve a slip of paper. On that slip of paper each one will write down what gift of themselves they committ to giving God that year. Maybe it's a gift of speaking kindly to their sisters, serving one another, a time of devotion every day, prayer....or whatever that person feels they want to give to God. Then, I will take the pieces of paper and mount them in the frame. Then we will hang the frame in our home somewhere were the family can see it and be reminded of what "gift" they had committed to God for the New Year.
For me it's not just about keeping Christ in Christmas but keeping him present in our lives each and every day of the Year.
My prayer is that this year...come December 26th...we will continue the celebration of Christ in our lives and that instead of all those New Year Resolutions..that I never seem to be able to keep anyway...that this year we will keep our committments to God to serve and love one another, both in our family and beyond.
What are some of your traditions as a family? What are some ways that you keep Christ in Christmas? How will you resolve to Keep Christ in this New Year?
Whatever it may be, my prayer is that you will continue to draw closer to God and purpose each day to serve Him with all your heart!
....Be Blessed today,
Friday, November 12, 2010
True Friendship! Helping to "Point your feet"........
The last few weeks I have been reflecting on friendships. As I have looked back over the years, especially into my childhood, I can name everyone of my BFF's (Best Friends Forever). In the early years, growing up in Taos, it was Tracey and Andrea. We attended school and church together, and during the summer we played, had slumber parties and just "hung out" as kids tend to do. Then, when I was 10 our family relocated to Virginia. To me it felt like the other side of the world. I left behind my two bff's and arrived in a place where I knew very few people. I had plenty of aunts, uncles and cousins around but no one that I could call my best friend...just yet. Through the next few years, as I moved from Elementary to Middle and then High School I can see where God supplied that one or two friends that I needed, helping me to navigate the difficulties of life that I was encountering at the time. It was nice to know I could count on that friend to have my back and yet, shoot straight with me when I needed to hear the hard truth about something. I think of my later years in High School, when I wasn't always making the best of decisions and I was really struggling in my walk with God. I desperately needed a breakthrough. It was in that critical moment, of my walk with God, that He brought Wendy storming into my life. She was a solid Christian, knew what she believed and went wholeheartedly after it. As messed up as I felt, she never put me aside, refusing to be my friend. She invited me into her daily life, into her home, and to her youth group. But in being my friend she also held my "feet to the fire". I remember well one evening; I had really been struggling with direction for my life. I had to decide...was I going to let the old ways and old habits take over or was I going to really and truly follow hard after God? Senior year was about to end and I was riding the fence with indecision. As we rode in her car, and I was going on and on about not knowing what to do (in reality, just having a pity party and throwing a tantrum) she brought the car to an abrupt stop in a parking lot. She turned and looked at me; she said "Enough Victoria! Enough! It's time to make up your mind, you know what is at stake, you know what God is calling you to do! But you refuse to make a decision. It's time! Make a decision. You don't have to figure it all out right now, but at least decide which way you are going to point your feet and start walking!"
Wow! Now that's a friend! But I knew she was right, it was time; and as hard as that was to hear, I could receive it because she had already walked with me through daily life, accepted me for who I was and cared just the same. She then shared a verse with me that to this day remains one of my favorite verses. It is found in James Chapter 1:5-6 "If you need wisdom-if you want to know what God wants you to do-ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent you asking. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."
It's been years since High School, but to this day I am grateful for that friendship in my life. God used Wendy to speak his word and direction into my life at a critical time. Because of that I made the decision to head into a 10 month mission program with Mennonite Board of Missions that radically changed my life. From there I meet and fell in love with my husband of now 14years and we are currently working in ministry and church planting in Nelson County, VA.
We have the ability to impact the people around us each and every day. It's not about preaching to them or beating them with the bible. It's about living daily life with them, inviting them into our lives and loving them where they are at. That's not always easy...not everyone is easy to love. But where you? Before you came to Christ what was your life like? Who took a chance on you? My guess is someone did. My question back to you is...can you , will you, be that for someone else? There is always that one that is a little harder to be around...heavens, they may just drive you up a wall..but is God calling you to be their friend anyway?
Are boundaries important? Do we need to watch out for those "toxic" friendships? Sure...of course. But my hearts desire is that as I go through life I trust that God will bring the friendships I need...but I am also trusting that he will show me who I need to be a friend to...that somehow, through me, God will impact there life to the point that they turn and choose to "point their feet" hard after God.
What God says about friendship:
"I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you. And here is how to measure it - the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends." (John 15:9-13)
Proverbs 18:24 - "There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."
Wow! Now that's a friend! But I knew she was right, it was time; and as hard as that was to hear, I could receive it because she had already walked with me through daily life, accepted me for who I was and cared just the same. She then shared a verse with me that to this day remains one of my favorite verses. It is found in James Chapter 1:5-6 "If you need wisdom-if you want to know what God wants you to do-ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent you asking. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."
It's been years since High School, but to this day I am grateful for that friendship in my life. God used Wendy to speak his word and direction into my life at a critical time. Because of that I made the decision to head into a 10 month mission program with Mennonite Board of Missions that radically changed my life. From there I meet and fell in love with my husband of now 14years and we are currently working in ministry and church planting in Nelson County, VA.
We have the ability to impact the people around us each and every day. It's not about preaching to them or beating them with the bible. It's about living daily life with them, inviting them into our lives and loving them where they are at. That's not always easy...not everyone is easy to love. But where you? Before you came to Christ what was your life like? Who took a chance on you? My guess is someone did. My question back to you is...can you , will you, be that for someone else? There is always that one that is a little harder to be around...heavens, they may just drive you up a wall..but is God calling you to be their friend anyway?
Are boundaries important? Do we need to watch out for those "toxic" friendships? Sure...of course. But my hearts desire is that as I go through life I trust that God will bring the friendships I need...but I am also trusting that he will show me who I need to be a friend to...that somehow, through me, God will impact there life to the point that they turn and choose to "point their feet" hard after God.
What God says about friendship:
"I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey me, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father and remain in his love. I have told you this so that you will be filled with joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! I command you to love each other in the same way that I love you. And here is how to measure it - the greatest love is shown when people lay down their lives for their friends." (John 15:9-13)
Proverbs 18:24 - "There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."
I always smile at this picture of my daughter and her best friend. They wanted to take a walk in the park with Michaela's new puppy, Patches. These two share a friend bond that has taken them through the years and now into Middle School. Even though we have moved away they still get together and always seem to "pick up where they left off" the last time they were together.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Trust and Obey For There Is No Other Way....Really?
When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.
But His smile quickly drives it away;
Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
Can abide while we trust and obey.
Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.
But our toil He doth richly repay;
Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
But is blessed if we trust and obey.
But we never can prove the delights of His love
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.
Until all on the altar we lay;
For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
Are for them who will trust and obey.
Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.
Or we’ll walk by His side in the way.
What He says we will do, where He sends we will go;
Never fear, only trust and obey.
Remember this song? I do. I remember singing it often as a little girl in Sunday School. We sang it to the point that whenever I hear it today it takes me back to that little classroom at the Brethren Church in Taos, New Mexico. We would sit around the table and the teacher would lead us in song after simple song. Songs that reminded us how loving our God was, how we should obey our parents, the depth and width of our faith, and our life's overflowing cup since the day of our salvation.
How easy it was back then to trust that the messages of those songs were true. As a child we had yet to really feel the brunt of life, the disappointments and heartaches that come with living and choices. Back then, a crisis in my life consisted of who I was going to sit with at lunch, would I get picked for dodge ball and if mom remembered to sign my homework folder that morning. Today, I look back and hear my parents talk about hard times, loss of work, finding the means to feed the family and provide adequate clothes and shoes. At times we had to go without, but you know what? I don't really remember that. As a child I remember just trusting that dad and mom had it under control and that they looked regularly to God for what we needed. And you know what? God always came through. No if's, and's or butt's about it! It might not have always been in ways we expected but the truth was, He was consistently faithful. I never saw my parents blame God or anyone else for a life that was sometimes, all together difficult.
Today, as an adult, I have a greater appreciation for the way my parents choose to walk through those times. Why? Because, in the last few years our family (Me, my husband and girls) have faced some extraordinarily difficult times. Two years ago we were hit hard by the economic downturn and have since struggled to make ends meet. Some days the ends just don't meet and I wonder "Now what"? My faith and my trust have never been more tested than this season of life.
I used to think that "trust" in my Heavenly Father was simply a matter of faith. And indeed, it is a matter of faith, but now I know that it's more than just that. The ability to trust that God will supply all that I need also has to be an action step in my life. If I wait until my feelings catch up with my ability to trust...then.... I would never trust.
There are some days when I wake so overwhelmed with the responsibility of caring for our family, meeting the bills, providing food and clothes that it almost causes me to to hardly function. It's on those days that I have to push aside the negative thoughts and feelings and say "No, today I am trusting that God will supply what I need. I am only looking at today and not tomorrow or the next week...just today". Now that doesn't mean that we don't have hopes or plans for the future or that we don't look to see what we are responsible for next week, but it does mean that no longer is my hope and trust in myself to get us through. I have to throw it right back at the foot of the cross, hang on tight to my heavenly father's hand and say "Yes, father, today I choose to trust you, no matter what tomorrow looks like."
"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. " They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me." (Jeremiah 29:11-13)
If you read the book of Jeremiah you will discover that here was a prophet whose trust in his God was tested often. In bringing the word of the Lord to the people of Israel and its kings, he was imprisoned, flogged, thrown down a cistern to be left for dead, only to be brought back up and jailed again. Here was a man that walked daily in needing to trust his Heavenly Father for all his needs and his life. So for him to hear this word from the Lord, as he sent this letter to those exiled in Babylon, must have brought great hope and encouragement.
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. (Philippians 4:8)
I have to work every day to take captive those thoughts that would seek to drag me down, to throw my day, to make me question God's ability to meet my need. Again, it's a choice. An action step. This is what God's word says happens when we take those action steps.
"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)
Not worrying and trusting is hard to do. I know that journey well. But I find that when I do pray and hand it to God, take that action step to say "I choose to trust you today God" that He shows up and gives me peace for my worried and chaotic mind. That is how I get through my days. Even though the situation may not change overnight, the difference is that I have changed. And that is worth singing about!
"Trust and Obey, for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey!"
Trusting Him today,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Jumping on Board
This was a recent blog that I wrote for our Riverbank Congregation. Even though the I specifically talk about the area that God has called our family to reach, I believe that this same word holds true for the many harvest fields around the world that God is preparing and that are ready for Harvest. What are your harvest fields? Take some time and look around, pray for discernment from God and let's get to work! Blessings ~ Victoria
Good Morning Riverbank,
This morning I found my bible reading taking me to the book of Jeremiah. Specifically to the 30th chapter. Here, Jeremiah is prophesying to the people of Israel hope for God's restoration of their homeland. The people of Israel had become scattered and taken over by their enemies but Jeremiah was speaking of hope and the day when God would bring his people back and restore to them what had been lost.
As I read this passage what quickened in my heart was that, in the same way, God slowly restored Israel to Jerusalem, so does He want to restore the spiritual life here in Nelson County and to our communities. He is bringing people back to himself and rebuilding spiritual roots in Nelson. Many years ago, as we read in the history books of Nelson, our communities used to be strong places of worship. There were churches in almost every community that were alive and serving the people, a hub of activity.
However through time and devastation, the enemy has been able to get a foothold. But no more! We believe that God wants to do a new and fresh work here in our communities. His desire is to rebuild that which has been lost and what the enemy has stolen. But we have to decide if we are going to be a part of the "rebuilding" that God wants to do here. Another passage comes to mind.
"The harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers for His fields." Matthew 9:37-38
The thing that struck me about this passage were 2 things:
The thing that struck me about this passage were 2 things:
1. I am not in charge :) He is in charge of the harvest. He is in charge of the results.
2. These are "His Fields"
Simply put, He calls us to 2 things- To Work and To Pray. That's all. I don't have to worry if the people will be there or not. He is simply asking me to show up, to work in the "fields" that he has prepared. And he is asking me to pray - pray that more workers will come to help for all those he is going to send.
Now thats exciting people! :)
God's moving...are you ready to jump on board? Are you ready to work and pray? If so, he's got a job for you. To work with the people he sends, to love them as he would, to see people set free, to bring in the harvest.
Be blessed today -
Working in the harvest together!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Princess or Peasant
This past week I had the privilege of traveling with two other ladies to the Joyce Meyer Conference in St. Louis, MO. Believe it or not, we decided to drive the 11.5 hours down to MO instead of flying. This was going to be some road trip, I could just tell! Besides the obvious, that we would have lots of fun, I was very expectant that God would show up. I so desired that He speak to my heart, especially in light of the last year of my life and all the changes that had come my way. I went ready and willing to hear his voice.
Tuesday AM dawned crisp and cool as we loaded our bags into Melody's van to begin our trek west. I tell you what, when three women pack for a six day trip, and those women are moms, we don't forget anything! And I mean anything! By the time we were packed we made sure that no one on this trip would go hungry, without adequate medical care and sufficient clothing just in case we got stuck for the winter.
All kidding aside, we did have a great trip out to MO. The trip itself actually took us 18 hours. Yup, I said 18 hours. Why so long you may ask? Well, when you send three woman on a road trip with no children or husbands do you really expect them to drive the whole thing straight without so much as a glance at all the wonderfully places zipping past the window? Specifically the shopping malls and restroom facilities along the way? Since the conference did not actually start until Thursday evening, we had time to spend. Wow, now there is a concept for three moms, on the road, with no responsibility other than themselves. So we found ourselves stopping for the restroom when WE needed to go and shopping for..GASP! OURSELVES of all people.
Finally, around 12am we arrived at our hotel...or should I say castle! You see, Melody's husband Jeff, had arranged all the hotel accommodations for our trip. I had seen a brief picture of the hotel and a listing of amenities but I don't think it fully registered exactly where we would be staying. As we rounded the bend to the hotel I remember gasping inwardly and staring in awe at the structure before us. We weren't staying at a hotel, we were staying in a castle! looked like a castle! As we pulled up to the grand doors, where bellmen awaited each guest, Melody, in grand flourish declared "Ladies we are princesses this week and this is our castle"!
Even though Melody was being silly at that moment, what she said was so very true. We, as daughters of our King (Jesus Christ) are princesses and he longs for us to discover just how much he loves us. Not only that but he wants to lavish that love upon us in so many ways. Seeing that Hotel brought to mind a recent discussion I was having with one of my girls.
As Mom with 4 daughters we have been going through parts of Sharon Ethridge's book "Preparing your daughter for every woman's battle". At the very beginning of the mother/daughter section Sharon talks about how we are princess's and God is our King. In Psalm 45:11, 13-15 it talks about how the king is enthralled with our beauty (in referencing his church) and how "glorious is the princess within her chamber". I love how Sharon takes that passage and breaks it down. She says:
"In case you didn't catch what that verse really means to you, let me word it another way:
You, my dear, are a princess and a stunningly beautiful creation of the King of the universe;
and He is absolutely, positively head over heels in love with you. You have been richly
adorned with spiritual beauty, and your role in life is to radiate God's magnificent glory to
(Sharon Ethridge - Preparing your daughter for every woman's battle)
So the question is:
Do you see yourself as a princess or a peasant?
Do you struggle to see yourself as a princess? If so, why?
Over the weekend with Joyce Meyer we heard a lot about our attitude and the power of our thoughts. Our thoughts affect every part of our life both personally and spiritually!
Ephesians 4:23 (amplified) says:
"And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]"
Let me encourage you that if you are struggling to see yourself as a princess and find yourself feeling more like a peasant most are not alone. Many of us feel this way at one time or another. I have to work at taking the lies the enemy wants to feed into my spirit and speak the truth. So...speak the truth today! Let your mind be renewed. Ask God to show you, even in practical ways, that you are a princess. He might just surprise you! And as you turn the bend you may just find a castle!
Journeying with a Purpose - Serving Him,
Tuesday AM dawned crisp and cool as we loaded our bags into Melody's van to begin our trek west. I tell you what, when three women pack for a six day trip, and those women are moms, we don't forget anything! And I mean anything! By the time we were packed we made sure that no one on this trip would go hungry, without adequate medical care and sufficient clothing just in case we got stuck for the winter.
All kidding aside, we did have a great trip out to MO. The trip itself actually took us 18 hours. Yup, I said 18 hours. Why so long you may ask? Well, when you send three woman on a road trip with no children or husbands do you really expect them to drive the whole thing straight without so much as a glance at all the wonderfully places zipping past the window? Specifically the shopping malls and restroom facilities along the way? Since the conference did not actually start until Thursday evening, we had time to spend. Wow, now there is a concept for three moms, on the road, with no responsibility other than themselves. So we found ourselves stopping for the restroom when WE needed to go and shopping for..GASP! OURSELVES of all people.
Finally, around 12am we arrived at our hotel...or should I say castle! You see, Melody's husband Jeff, had arranged all the hotel accommodations for our trip. I had seen a brief picture of the hotel and a listing of amenities but I don't think it fully registered exactly where we would be staying. As we rounded the bend to the hotel I remember gasping inwardly and staring in awe at the structure before us. We weren't staying at a hotel, we were staying in a castle! looked like a castle! As we pulled up to the grand doors, where bellmen awaited each guest, Melody, in grand flourish declared "Ladies we are princesses this week and this is our castle"!
Even though Melody was being silly at that moment, what she said was so very true. We, as daughters of our King (Jesus Christ) are princesses and he longs for us to discover just how much he loves us. Not only that but he wants to lavish that love upon us in so many ways. Seeing that Hotel brought to mind a recent discussion I was having with one of my girls.
As Mom with 4 daughters we have been going through parts of Sharon Ethridge's book "Preparing your daughter for every woman's battle". At the very beginning of the mother/daughter section Sharon talks about how we are princess's and God is our King. In Psalm 45:11, 13-15 it talks about how the king is enthralled with our beauty (in referencing his church) and how "glorious is the princess within her chamber". I love how Sharon takes that passage and breaks it down. She says:
"In case you didn't catch what that verse really means to you, let me word it another way:
You, my dear, are a princess and a stunningly beautiful creation of the King of the universe;
and He is absolutely, positively head over heels in love with you. You have been richly
adorned with spiritual beauty, and your role in life is to radiate God's magnificent glory to
(Sharon Ethridge - Preparing your daughter for every woman's battle)
So the question is:
Do you see yourself as a princess or a peasant?
Do you struggle to see yourself as a princess? If so, why?
Over the weekend with Joyce Meyer we heard a lot about our attitude and the power of our thoughts. Our thoughts affect every part of our life both personally and spiritually!
Ephesians 4:23 (amplified) says:
"And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude]"
Let me encourage you that if you are struggling to see yourself as a princess and find yourself feeling more like a peasant most are not alone. Many of us feel this way at one time or another. I have to work at taking the lies the enemy wants to feed into my spirit and speak the truth. So...speak the truth today! Let your mind be renewed. Ask God to show you, even in practical ways, that you are a princess. He might just surprise you! And as you turn the bend you may just find a castle!
Journeying with a Purpose - Serving Him,
Our Castle
The Kings Princess's
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Update: On your Mark, Get Set, Go!
Well! I did it! I ran my first race in 16 years! Not only did I make it but I was able to meet my goal and run the whole 4 miles without stopping! This might not sound like a great feat in comparison to other people's accomplishments but in my own personal world it is huge. The journey to get to this point has not been an easy one, something I could only have dreamed of accomplishing a few short years ago.
The alarm rang early the morning of the race. So early in fact that the sun had yet to make it out of bed. I had not slept well that night so I was glad that it was time to get ready to go. While I busied myself with getting dressed, making sure I had my race number, timing chip, water and snacks for later, I began to wonder if I would be able to do this. All the "what-if's" flooded my mind and the doubts begged to be heard. But I decided I just had to push them off until later. Right now, I had to get my family ready and out the door in time to meet up with the other ladies from my running group by 6am.
45minutes later we approached the racing venue, being held at Foxfield, a large track area outside the city of Charlottesville. It was amazing to see 3,500 girls and women descend upon the area to run or walk a race that would continue the fight to find a cure for breast cancer. At that moment it didn't really matter what athletic ability we did or didn't have, we were all there for a mutual cause and passionate belief that we, individually and corporately, could make a difference.
We couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was just perfect, with just enough cool to keep it comfortable. As I took time to warm up and do some stretching before the race, the worries I had earlier pushed away began to rear their nagging heads. Instead I began to pray "Lord, I just want to be able to finish this race well. I would love to run the whole thing but above anything else, help me to just do my best." With that prayer uttered within my heart I rejoined my team as we waited for the race to began.
Soon, they called us line up for the beginning of the race. There was an excitement that permeated the entire crowd and groups of women would burst out in cheer and it would spontaneously make it's way through the rest of the crowd. As the gun sound, and the mass of women surged forward I found myself swept along with everyone else. The race had started! Here we go! Ready or Not!
The seconds and minutes began to tick away as my feet pounded the pavement. I worked hard to remember my training, starting at a slow pace so I wouldn't tire out before I got to the end, talking myself through every footstep and each breath. Before I knew it I had hit the two mile mark and the big hill I had heard about was coming up. "Oh, dear Lord, I've made it this far, help me conquer this hill." Sometimes in my training runs, when I begin to hurt and my legs scream for relief I find that if I begin to pray that somehow I make it through that tough spots. So, as I approached the hill, I began to pray for my other teammates running the race, for those that surrounded me, for my girls and husband as they watched and cheered the race, and anything else that came to mind. Before I knew it I was half way up the hill. Just when I thought I might have to walk the last bit this lady came up beside me. She said "we can make it, come on, we can do it." It's amazing what that moment of encouragement can do for your spirits and tired legs. To this day, I don't know her name, but we continued to encourage each other up and over that hill and it was just enough to get through the toughest points. The last mile, I found my second wind and renewed energy to pick up the pace. I was determined to finish strong! As the finish line came into view I kept thinking, "I'm almost there, I'm going to make it". And you know what.....? I crossed that finish line running!
As I walked through the race chute to the open field beyond the feeling of accomplishment and joy was overwhelming! I had struggled and fought and accomplished something, that a few years ago, was only a dream. But it wasn't just my accomplishment. Thousands of other women meet their goal that day just by showing up. My team of ladies, that I had trained with for months, accomplished their goals that day by just showing up and giving it their very best. We did not let the fact that we were not necessarily accomplished athletes, slow us down. We were simply women who, for different and varied reasons, decided to show up and try.
I can think of so many times in my life where I had to make the decision to just show up and try. Especially when life has gotten difficult and I want to throw in the towel. When it feels like no one cares and even God has moved out of earshot. "What's the use anymore"? Will it really make a difference?"
There were points in the race that I knew it would be easier to just walk. To not really push myself, even though I knew I had trained enough for this. But I had to make up my mind that I was going to stick this out to the end. That I had to push through the hard parts, the pain and the hills to get to the finish line.
Is there somewhere in your life that you've gotten off track? Something that God has been asking you to step up to the line for or to "get running" again? But the fear of the hard parts, the pain and the "hills" is causing you to back off and not "show up"?
Whatever it is, I encourage you to get back on track, to ask God for strength and wisdom to know what the next steps are. To make the choice to "Show up and try" and leave the rest in His hands!
The alarm rang early the morning of the race. So early in fact that the sun had yet to make it out of bed. I had not slept well that night so I was glad that it was time to get ready to go. While I busied myself with getting dressed, making sure I had my race number, timing chip, water and snacks for later, I began to wonder if I would be able to do this. All the "what-if's" flooded my mind and the doubts begged to be heard. But I decided I just had to push them off until later. Right now, I had to get my family ready and out the door in time to meet up with the other ladies from my running group by 6am.
45minutes later we approached the racing venue, being held at Foxfield, a large track area outside the city of Charlottesville. It was amazing to see 3,500 girls and women descend upon the area to run or walk a race that would continue the fight to find a cure for breast cancer. At that moment it didn't really matter what athletic ability we did or didn't have, we were all there for a mutual cause and passionate belief that we, individually and corporately, could make a difference.
We couldn't have asked for a better day. The weather was just perfect, with just enough cool to keep it comfortable. As I took time to warm up and do some stretching before the race, the worries I had earlier pushed away began to rear their nagging heads. Instead I began to pray "Lord, I just want to be able to finish this race well. I would love to run the whole thing but above anything else, help me to just do my best." With that prayer uttered within my heart I rejoined my team as we waited for the race to began.
Soon, they called us line up for the beginning of the race. There was an excitement that permeated the entire crowd and groups of women would burst out in cheer and it would spontaneously make it's way through the rest of the crowd. As the gun sound, and the mass of women surged forward I found myself swept along with everyone else. The race had started! Here we go! Ready or Not!
The seconds and minutes began to tick away as my feet pounded the pavement. I worked hard to remember my training, starting at a slow pace so I wouldn't tire out before I got to the end, talking myself through every footstep and each breath. Before I knew it I had hit the two mile mark and the big hill I had heard about was coming up. "Oh, dear Lord, I've made it this far, help me conquer this hill." Sometimes in my training runs, when I begin to hurt and my legs scream for relief I find that if I begin to pray that somehow I make it through that tough spots. So, as I approached the hill, I began to pray for my other teammates running the race, for those that surrounded me, for my girls and husband as they watched and cheered the race, and anything else that came to mind. Before I knew it I was half way up the hill. Just when I thought I might have to walk the last bit this lady came up beside me. She said "we can make it, come on, we can do it." It's amazing what that moment of encouragement can do for your spirits and tired legs. To this day, I don't know her name, but we continued to encourage each other up and over that hill and it was just enough to get through the toughest points. The last mile, I found my second wind and renewed energy to pick up the pace. I was determined to finish strong! As the finish line came into view I kept thinking, "I'm almost there, I'm going to make it". And you know what.....? I crossed that finish line running!
As I walked through the race chute to the open field beyond the feeling of accomplishment and joy was overwhelming! I had struggled and fought and accomplished something, that a few years ago, was only a dream. But it wasn't just my accomplishment. Thousands of other women meet their goal that day just by showing up. My team of ladies, that I had trained with for months, accomplished their goals that day by just showing up and giving it their very best. We did not let the fact that we were not necessarily accomplished athletes, slow us down. We were simply women who, for different and varied reasons, decided to show up and try.
I can think of so many times in my life where I had to make the decision to just show up and try. Especially when life has gotten difficult and I want to throw in the towel. When it feels like no one cares and even God has moved out of earshot. "What's the use anymore"? Will it really make a difference?"
There were points in the race that I knew it would be easier to just walk. To not really push myself, even though I knew I had trained enough for this. But I had to make up my mind that I was going to stick this out to the end. That I had to push through the hard parts, the pain and the hills to get to the finish line.
Is there somewhere in your life that you've gotten off track? Something that God has been asking you to step up to the line for or to "get running" again? But the fear of the hard parts, the pain and the "hills" is causing you to back off and not "show up"?
Whatever it is, I encourage you to get back on track, to ask God for strength and wisdom to know what the next steps are. To make the choice to "Show up and try" and leave the rest in His hands!
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)
Journeying with a Purpose!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
On your Mark, Get Set, Go!!
This week I found myself pounding the pavement at yet another training run in preparation for this weekends upcoming race. After 4 months of training I will be stepping to the starting line of my first race in 16 years. It's hard to believe that I've been gone from running that long.
You see, back in High School I was an avid runner, sometimes running 8-9 months out of the year between cross-country, track, and summer training runs. By the time I reached my senior year of High School I had been running for roughly 6 years, competing in high school track and cross-country meets on a regular basis. As my senior year came to an end I found myself plagued with some minor injuries and an increasing dislike for competition. Today, as I look back, I realize that what I was battling was a bad case of burnout. Not so much physical burnout as much as mental burnout. I was just plain tired! I had entertained thoughts of running in college and had even been approached by a university about running for them. However, my heart and passion for running just wasn't there anymore and I had a hard time knowing what to do. I knew I was going to have to make a decision soon. The day of my High School graduation finally dawned bright and clear. After 12 years I was finished with school and it was at that moment I decided I was going to take a break from running; no more drills and long runs, hill repeats and sprint workouts. The decision felt good and brought a lot of relief.
Originally I had only planned to take a break for about a year, certain that a year would be enough time and by then I would be ready to get back to active running. However, despite my best intentions, the first year came and went, as did the second and third year. The years following high school stayed busy with college, falling in love, getting married and having children. By the time I turned 26, my husband and I had four daughters and life was filled with keeping up with babies and toddlers. However, always in the back of my mind was this desire to start running again, remembering those well meaning intentions made years ago to stay in shape and keep running . But then, the one thing I didn't expect to go wrong did! My health!
Soon after our youngest daughter was born I began to struggle with several health issues. Over the course of the next 6 years I would go through 4 different surgeries and wage an ongoing battle with adrenal fatigue. It became one of the most difficult times in my life as I struggled to come to terms with the physical limitations of my life. I was often discouraged and wondered many times if I would ever get back running again and yet I prayed for that day frequently.
Finally in this last year God has begun answering that very prayer. This summer I began running with a local group in my community, training for an upcoming charity 4 mile run in September. The first weeks were difficult as I worked hard to rebuild the strength in my body and the endurance to run the miles. Often I came home sore and walking stiffly. Slowly though, I have gotten to where I can run several miles non-stop. Not fast but gradually the endurance is returning for the longer miles.
Now, just a few short days before the race I find myself again pounding out miles on the pavement. On this particular day, as I headed into the last part of the run, I began to reflect back on the journey God has had me on during my 16 year hiatus from running. Life had sure turned out different then what I had expected at age 18, newly graduated from High School and headed into an unknown world. It has held some wonderful surprises and yet difficult disappointments, held its share of victories and plenty of defeats. Yet looking back there isn't much I would change. Each surprise, disappointment, victory and defeat holds its own lesson, its own growing pains. My life journey is not unlike my faith journey these last few years. It too has had to grow and change and be stretched. As I run I think about the verse in the Bible that says:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)
More than anything I want to run with endurance the race of faith that God has set before me. However, I know that to do that I have to work hard and "train" my spiritual body and keep it under check. It takes hard work, showing up to practice and discipling yourself in order to run a race well. In the same way it takes work to be in relationship with your Heavenly Father. "Showing up" to spend time with Him and allowing Him to stretch and grow you. I promise that as you do that, He will meet you, loving and coaching you on in your "race of faith".
So...Where are you in your "race" of faith? Are you steadily moving along, running with endurance?
Or..have you gotten sidetracked with injuries and wounds of the past or present? Not sure if you want to continue the race?
Let me encourage you that no matter where you's never to late to get back in the race...
May we all be able to say as Paul did in 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful."
Finally, I encourage you to find someone that can come along side of you to support and encourage you in your journey of faith. I know for me, when I run, I do so much better when I have someone else running with me, to lend encouragement and support and give me a good kick when I need it. To remind me that this "mile" will not go on forever and that the finish line is up ahead!
Praying you will be encouraged today!
Journeying with a Purpose,
Friday, August 27, 2010
No Matter Your Address
This particular reflection I wrote almost a 2 years ago when our family was just beginning the moving process to the community we now reside in. At the time the calling to plant a church in Nelson County was fresh on our hearts and minds. Yet, despite the time that has past, what the Lord spoke into my heart still rings true in my spirit - especially when I find myself a bit lost and questioning His direction.
This morning in my reading of Job 2:1-17 I was reminded that even Job was asking where He could find God. Take a few moments to read this passage and hear the stand the Job choose to take, despite the advice of his friends.
May today you be reminded that He is there!
Maybe it's been a long "winter" in your life but always remember, even when you can't see Him or feel Him...He is there..No Matter Your Address!
Praying that this will bring encourage your heart today-
This week finds me busy packing our family up for yet another move. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were moving into our current home. The other morning I was remembering a word that the Lord spoke to me about the time that we moved into this home two years ago. It was a rough time in my life, relationships were struggling, finances were tight, and life in general seemed so uncertain. One morning, standing at my kitchen window washing dishes, I found myself crying out to the Lord - Why? and What? and I'm sure a million other questions. It was one of those times in my life that I felt so alone and afraid of what the future might or might not hold. Have you ever had one of those moments or times or even decades? :) I'm sure you have, we all have. How many times had I found myself in this place? Probably more than I care to always remember - At one point I remember asking "Lord, are you even there? Do you even care?... and you know what? He returned with an answer.... In the midst of my turmoil he whispered to my heart -
"I am, and Tori, It doesn't matter where you are or what your address is, I am here! I have never left and no matter where you go in life, how many houses you move to, how many locations you find yourself in, I will be there, period! You can't change that...because I love you and you are mine."
The wave of reassurance that flooded my spirit was overwhelming, to say the least. All the uncertaintiy and turmoil that I had been feeling seemed to vanish and instead, peace filled that place where there had been tears.
As we prepare to move this weekend, I remind myself that "no matter my address" He will walk with me, no matter my trial, no matter my joy. He will be there.
Reflecting on that reminds me of the story of Ruth. Now there's a lady that went through some tough times, but what I am drawn to is her answer to her mother-in-law as Naomi prepared to return to her homeland -
Ruth 1:16 ..."I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
Ruth knew that this God of Naomi's would go with her also, and that she could trust in that, even when the future must have seemed uncertain. That's the kind of faith I want to move forward in as we look to see what else God wants to do in this new place.
Maybe you have a "moving" story - or other ways that God has been there just when you needed him. Please feel free to share.
This morning in my reading of Job 2:1-17 I was reminded that even Job was asking where He could find God. Take a few moments to read this passage and hear the stand the Job choose to take, despite the advice of his friends.
May today you be reminded that He is there!
Maybe it's been a long "winter" in your life but always remember, even when you can't see Him or feel Him...He is there..No Matter Your Address!
Praying that this will bring encourage your heart today-
This week finds me busy packing our family up for yet another move. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were moving into our current home. The other morning I was remembering a word that the Lord spoke to me about the time that we moved into this home two years ago. It was a rough time in my life, relationships were struggling, finances were tight, and life in general seemed so uncertain. One morning, standing at my kitchen window washing dishes, I found myself crying out to the Lord - Why? and What? and I'm sure a million other questions. It was one of those times in my life that I felt so alone and afraid of what the future might or might not hold. Have you ever had one of those moments or times or even decades? :) I'm sure you have, we all have. How many times had I found myself in this place? Probably more than I care to always remember - At one point I remember asking "Lord, are you even there? Do you even care?... and you know what? He returned with an answer.... In the midst of my turmoil he whispered to my heart -
"I am, and Tori, It doesn't matter where you are or what your address is, I am here! I have never left and no matter where you go in life, how many houses you move to, how many locations you find yourself in, I will be there, period! You can't change that...because I love you and you are mine."
The wave of reassurance that flooded my spirit was overwhelming, to say the least. All the uncertaintiy and turmoil that I had been feeling seemed to vanish and instead, peace filled that place where there had been tears.
As we prepare to move this weekend, I remind myself that "no matter my address" He will walk with me, no matter my trial, no matter my joy. He will be there.
Reflecting on that reminds me of the story of Ruth. Now there's a lady that went through some tough times, but what I am drawn to is her answer to her mother-in-law as Naomi prepared to return to her homeland -
Ruth 1:16 ..."I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
Ruth knew that this God of Naomi's would go with her also, and that she could trust in that, even when the future must have seemed uncertain. That's the kind of faith I want to move forward in as we look to see what else God wants to do in this new place.
Maybe you have a "moving" story - or other ways that God has been there just when you needed him. Please feel free to share.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
What a Year can Hold
It's amazing what a year can hold!
Last year this time our family was living in a 37 foot camper while we worked at building our home and settling into a new community. We had arrived just a month prior to school starting and already it had been a tough transition. Now our girls were facing yet another school year in a new place, new faces, new everything. Apprehension marked their day as it did mine. Their thoughts drifted from questions like "what if I don't make any friends or what if I get lost in my new school"? Our one daughter cried often over leaving her best friend in our old town.
It seemed that tears often visited us on those days as we adjusted to a different "home" and lifestyle than what we were accustomed to. I worried about the girls finding friends and just how much they seemed to be struggling with this particular move. Our goal was simple: Build a house, settle our family and then begin work to launch a new church plant in our community.
It is good that God, in all his wisdom, does not reveal our future to us all at once. If I had known then, what I know now, I am not sure I would have wanted to answer the call God had placed so clearly on our hearts just two years prior. For the next 10 months we lived in that camper, all six of us, working hard to complete our home. We faced numerous trials, heartache and uncertainty. Not to mention a winter of snow unlike we had seen in 15 years. Only 6 months into moving to our new community, we had to make the difficult and painful decision to close the business we had owned for the last 6 years. We went from a steady job to no income within weeks. Still to this day I wonder how we have survived here the last 7 months. There is no reasonable explanation expect by the grace of God and God's people. I stand in awe of his continual provision for our needs and marvel that we are still here, in this place he brought us just over a year ago.
I ponder these things as I sit here this morning on the front porch of our new home, just having returned from dropping my children off to their first day of school. Our three youngest to the elementary school and our oldest to her first day at middle school. In contrast to last year, this year our girls head off with great excitement and great expectation of what this year will hold. They are eager to meet up with old friends and promising to keep an eye out for anyone that's new so that they can welcome them. They still remember what it felt like to be "the new kid on the block".
Michaela, our oldest, takes a big step into 6th grade this year. I think I had a harder time seeing her off then when the girls went to Kindergarten. One one hand she seemed so grown up all of a sudden, jumping from the truck with a brave face as she waved goodbye to me. On the other hand, she seemed so small walking into those huge buildings that tower over the hills they rest on.
Letting go is hard to do, no matter if it's sending your children to school the first time or moving to a new place. Letting go of the old to embrace the new takes work and can be painful too. Relationships change, life is different, routines shift and we have to re-define where we now find ourselves.
This is where I find myself these days. Working through changed relationships, a different routine and re-defining what God has for me. Yet, maybe it's not re-defining so much as re-affirming what God has for me here, in this new place.
This morning I was reading in Job 19. Here is a man who has been stripped of all that he had known, all the things that God has previously blessed him with. He is a man that is struggling to understand, to come to terms with where he is now. And yet, in the midst of all that is no more in his life, there is one truth that never changed even though his circumstances did. That truth is found in Job 19:25 "But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last. "
Even though Job, at that moment, was struggling to understand where the Lord had brought him he was able to speak with assurance to the naysayers " I know that My Redeemer lives" !
Amen!!! and Amen again!!
No matter all that has been lost and changed and altered in my life this last year I too want to be able to say, with all assurance, that "I know that My Redeemer lives" and I will rest in His promise that He is the same "Yesterday, Today and Forever" (Hebrews 13:8) For me, there is hope on the horizon. I can feel it coming!
Take time to Reflect on Jobs life. Allow God to help put in perspective the things happening in your life today. Where do you need to say "despite what is happening in my life, My Redeemer lives"?
Then take some time to reflect on Philippians 4:6-7 that says:
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus."
Living Life on Purpose for His Purpose,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Big Dreams
WOW! It's amazing what can happen in a year's time. It's hard to believe all that has transpired in this last year since our move to Nelson County to plant a church. It has been one of the most difficult and at times, the most overwhelming of journeys and adventures. Just a few weeks ago, as I was sharing my heart with God I said "Ok, I think I am about done with this adventure. Can we please move onto something else, like living in a house, my husband having a job again, and feeling like life is normal for once. I mean really Lord, have we not packed in enough life lessons for the next century? Do you ever have those kind of honest questions to God? I do, all the time in fact. Of course, after I was done wallowing in what, at that moment, I was seeing as a mis-adventure instead of an adventure, God once again spoke to my heart. "Daughter, life is an adventure, always has been, always will be, what matters is the attitude you approach it with." How's your attitude daughter? Let me change it on the inside so that it reflects my attitude on the outside." Hmmm....sounds vaguely familiar. Where have I heard that before? Oh yeah...I say that to my girls all the time. "Daughter, your attitude is showing and from what I see, it needs an adjustment on the inside and the outside." really it's about a change of attitude, of perspective, from a different set of eyes...God's eyes.
So many times I need God's eyes to see what I can't with my own. His will for my life, the future that lies ahead, the dreams that He wants to fulfill in my life for His glory and to further His kingdom. Some of those dreams are buried deep in my heart to the point that even I fear to look at them or to dream that they are possible. When God called us to pastor and plant a new church in Nelson He once again began to unearth dreams from the farthest recess of my heart. Up until now I have not shared that with many people, only two in fact. My husband and my mentor. Why? Because it's scary acknowledging those dreams out loud because what if God really did do something with that? Heaven forbid that He would see potential in my mess. But, despite the fear the dream will not go away, the desire to serve more than myself and my small world continues to press in on my heart. So what is the dream, the desire that God presses on my heart daily? To be able to minister to women, to see them set free in Christ. For women be able to have confidence in who God has made them to be so that they can minister that much more to their families and others. I desire to write and speak. How that is going to happen, I don't know. It seems so impossible sometimes but I know that with God anything is possible.
In July the Proverbs 31 Ministry team is once again hosting their "She Speaks" conference. Ever since I learned of it I have desired to go. I believe that this conference will help to equip me to better serve the women here at home in this new church plant. I am so excited to minister beside my husband and reach out to the women of this community. I also believe it will be an encouragement and give me practical building blocks to move forward in the dreams God continues to press upon my heart. I have prayed that if this is the year for me to go then God would open a way. Since January, and our loss of income, I figured God was saying no for this time, that maybe next year it would work out. This past week I received an e-mail letting women know that Lysa TerKeurst is giving away scholarships to attend this event. Immediately I was excited about the possibility and so have chosen to submit this blog as my scholarship entry. Will I go this year? Or will I not? Only God know the future. But no matter what the outcome I pray that God will continue to give me His eyes for the adventures ahead and His attitude that shines from the inside out.
Blessings ~ Victoria
So many times I need God's eyes to see what I can't with my own. His will for my life, the future that lies ahead, the dreams that He wants to fulfill in my life for His glory and to further His kingdom. Some of those dreams are buried deep in my heart to the point that even I fear to look at them or to dream that they are possible. When God called us to pastor and plant a new church in Nelson He once again began to unearth dreams from the farthest recess of my heart. Up until now I have not shared that with many people, only two in fact. My husband and my mentor. Why? Because it's scary acknowledging those dreams out loud because what if God really did do something with that? Heaven forbid that He would see potential in my mess. But, despite the fear the dream will not go away, the desire to serve more than myself and my small world continues to press in on my heart. So what is the dream, the desire that God presses on my heart daily? To be able to minister to women, to see them set free in Christ. For women be able to have confidence in who God has made them to be so that they can minister that much more to their families and others. I desire to write and speak. How that is going to happen, I don't know. It seems so impossible sometimes but I know that with God anything is possible.
In July the Proverbs 31 Ministry team is once again hosting their "She Speaks" conference. Ever since I learned of it I have desired to go. I believe that this conference will help to equip me to better serve the women here at home in this new church plant. I am so excited to minister beside my husband and reach out to the women of this community. I also believe it will be an encouragement and give me practical building blocks to move forward in the dreams God continues to press upon my heart. I have prayed that if this is the year for me to go then God would open a way. Since January, and our loss of income, I figured God was saying no for this time, that maybe next year it would work out. This past week I received an e-mail letting women know that Lysa TerKeurst is giving away scholarships to attend this event. Immediately I was excited about the possibility and so have chosen to submit this blog as my scholarship entry. Will I go this year? Or will I not? Only God know the future. But no matter what the outcome I pray that God will continue to give me His eyes for the adventures ahead and His attitude that shines from the inside out.
Blessings ~ Victoria
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Strength in the Waiting
When I was growing up as a young girl I remember many times hearing adults say "Don't pray for patience because you can be sure the Lord will test that". So, as silly as it sounds I found myself as a young girl being very careful not to "pray for patience." As an adult I better understand now that God does not just create situations or trails in our life just to teach us something, but rather takes the trails that we all face in our lives and uses them to build our character and to strengthen us - if we allow him too.
I would have to say that this past year for me and my family has been filled with numerous trials. A house that still sits for sale after 9months, slowing work, a brother in Iraq, Brian's back surgery, praying about where we go from here as a family.... as these circumstances in our life began to unfold this past year I found myself seeking God, asking a lot of "why's and what now" questions. Much of our circumstances were out of my control and many times we have had to just wait and see how God would answer. But that waiting can be so hard at times.
One morning, during the spring of this year, I found myself reflecting on "waiting" and having patience. I knew that I didn't want to just sit and say (sigh)"Well, Lord just give me patience....I'll hang in'll answer sometime....(sigh)! No, I wanted to move through these trials and situations with strength and purpose even if I didn't always know how it was going to turn out. I didn't want to find myself at the end of the day saying "well, good I made it through another day".
So I began to ask the Lord "how should I pray then, how do you want me to walk through this time"? And what I felt the Lord saying to me was "Pray for strength in the waiting." That was my WOW moment. Yes, strength in the waiting, that is what I desired. Webster defines strength as "the state or quality of being strong, durability, the power to resist attack." I began to see our situation in a whole different light, I felt I could pray with purpose and hope, because I knew that God would give me strength for each new situation that we would face. I may not have all the answers, or know exactly how it was all going to work out, but He did and does. The verse from Isaiah has continued to resonate in my heart this last year; Isaiah 40:29,31 "He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. "But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
There are plenty of days where I feel weak and tired and just not sure I can take one more day, but then this verse comes to mind and I know that as I come before his throne with my weakness and lack of strength then He will be my strength, he will hold me up, and he will help me walk another day...but not just walk, but walk with purpose, with strength and even to fly.
I beleive each of us has a time in our lives when we need that strength that only God can give. Maybe for you it's not waiting but mayge it strength in being a mom, strength as a wife, strength in healing, strength in grief, strength in your health....the list can go on and on.
I encourage you to take time today to ask for that strength...He will not fail you because His word promises that His strength is ours.
So go ahead...Go ahead and Fly!!
I would have to say that this past year for me and my family has been filled with numerous trials. A house that still sits for sale after 9months, slowing work, a brother in Iraq, Brian's back surgery, praying about where we go from here as a family.... as these circumstances in our life began to unfold this past year I found myself seeking God, asking a lot of "why's and what now" questions. Much of our circumstances were out of my control and many times we have had to just wait and see how God would answer. But that waiting can be so hard at times.
One morning, during the spring of this year, I found myself reflecting on "waiting" and having patience. I knew that I didn't want to just sit and say (sigh)"Well, Lord just give me patience....I'll hang in'll answer sometime....(sigh)! No, I wanted to move through these trials and situations with strength and purpose even if I didn't always know how it was going to turn out. I didn't want to find myself at the end of the day saying "well, good I made it through another day".
So I began to ask the Lord "how should I pray then, how do you want me to walk through this time"? And what I felt the Lord saying to me was "Pray for strength in the waiting." That was my WOW moment. Yes, strength in the waiting, that is what I desired. Webster defines strength as "the state or quality of being strong, durability, the power to resist attack." I began to see our situation in a whole different light, I felt I could pray with purpose and hope, because I knew that God would give me strength for each new situation that we would face. I may not have all the answers, or know exactly how it was all going to work out, but He did and does. The verse from Isaiah has continued to resonate in my heart this last year; Isaiah 40:29,31 "He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. "But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."
There are plenty of days where I feel weak and tired and just not sure I can take one more day, but then this verse comes to mind and I know that as I come before his throne with my weakness and lack of strength then He will be my strength, he will hold me up, and he will help me walk another day...but not just walk, but walk with purpose, with strength and even to fly.
I beleive each of us has a time in our lives when we need that strength that only God can give. Maybe for you it's not waiting but mayge it strength in being a mom, strength as a wife, strength in healing, strength in grief, strength in your health....the list can go on and on.
I encourage you to take time today to ask for that strength...He will not fail you because His word promises that His strength is ours.
So go ahead...Go ahead and Fly!!
No matter your address
This week finds me busy packing our family up for yet another move. It doesn't seem that long ago that we were moving into our current home. The other morning I was remembering a word that the Lord spoke to me about the time that we moved into this home two years ago. It was a rough time in my life, relationships were struggling, finances were tight, and life in general seemed so uncertain. One morning, standing at my kitchen window washing dishes, I found myself crying out to the Lord - Why? and What? and I'm sure a million other questions. It was one of those times in my life that I felt so alone and afraid of what the future might or might not hold. Have you ever had one of those moments or times or even decades? :) I'm sure you have, we all have. How many times had I found myself in this place? Probably more than I care to always remember - At one point I remember asking "Lord, are you even there? Do you even care?... and you know what? He returned with an answer.... In the midst of my turmoil he whispered to my heart "I am, and Tori, It doesn't matter where you are or what your address is, I am here. I have never left and no matter where you go in life, how many houses you move to, how many locations you find yourself in, I will be there, period! You can't change that...because I love you and you are mine."
The wave of reassurance that flooded my spirit was overwhelming, to say the least. All the uncertaintiy and turmoil that I had been feeling seemed to vanish and instead, peace filled that place where there had been tears.
As we prepare to move this weekend, I remind myself that "no matter my address" He will walk with me, no matter my trial, no matter my joy. He will be there.
Reflecting on that reminds me of the story of Ruth. Now there's a lady that went through some tough times, but what I am drawn to is her answer to her mother-in-law as Naomi prepared to return to her homeland - Ruth 1:16 ..."I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
She knew that this God of Naomi's would go with her also, and that she could trust in that, even when the future must have seemed uncertain. That's the kind of faith I want to move forward in as we look to see what else God wants to do in this new place.
The wave of reassurance that flooded my spirit was overwhelming, to say the least. All the uncertaintiy and turmoil that I had been feeling seemed to vanish and instead, peace filled that place where there had been tears.
As we prepare to move this weekend, I remind myself that "no matter my address" He will walk with me, no matter my trial, no matter my joy. He will be there.
Reflecting on that reminds me of the story of Ruth. Now there's a lady that went through some tough times, but what I am drawn to is her answer to her mother-in-law as Naomi prepared to return to her homeland - Ruth 1:16 ..."I will go wherever you go and live wherever you live. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God."
She knew that this God of Naomi's would go with her also, and that she could trust in that, even when the future must have seemed uncertain. That's the kind of faith I want to move forward in as we look to see what else God wants to do in this new place.
Pausing OR Praying?
Over the last week I have had this particular devotion on my heart and felt impressed to share it with you. It is one of those "golden nuggets" of challenge and truth that has been resounding in my heart since I read it last week, especially right now as Brian and I find ourselves seeking God for what he has for our family in this next year.
Taken from the devotion "Walking in the Dark" by Lisa Harper:
"The key to walking successfully in the dark isn't in the PAUSING; it's in the PRAYING. Because merely waiting without seeking God's direction is as fruitless as herding cats! God is teaching some of us to be still and listen, and He's teaching others to hear His mandate to move. To get up and take a step of faith - even when we aren't sure of where we're walking."
(Devotional Verse - Isaiah 42:16)
It has challenged me to continue to press in and pray even while I am waiting on God and seeing how he is going to move or to hear what step I'm to take next.
Maybe you are in a place waiting to hear from God on a particular matter. Maybe it has to do with a personal step, or direction for your family or children. Whatever your situation I challenge you to pause AND pray, not to give up even if you feel like you are walking in the dark. I leave you with this encouragment -
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT
Mom to Mom,
Taken from the devotion "Walking in the Dark" by Lisa Harper:
"The key to walking successfully in the dark isn't in the PAUSING; it's in the PRAYING. Because merely waiting without seeking God's direction is as fruitless as herding cats! God is teaching some of us to be still and listen, and He's teaching others to hear His mandate to move. To get up and take a step of faith - even when we aren't sure of where we're walking."
(Devotional Verse - Isaiah 42:16)
It has challenged me to continue to press in and pray even while I am waiting on God and seeing how he is going to move or to hear what step I'm to take next.
Maybe you are in a place waiting to hear from God on a particular matter. Maybe it has to do with a personal step, or direction for your family or children. Whatever your situation I challenge you to pause AND pray, not to give up even if you feel like you are walking in the dark. I leave you with this encouragment -
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." Jeremiah 29:11-13 NLT
Mom to Mom,
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