It has been some time since I last posted anything at all. The other day when I came back to my blog I realized just how long it had been. For the last two years we have been on quite a journey of change as we have been busy church planting, raising our four girls, and settling our family in our community. For me I am finally finishing up my degree with Liberty University. I am excited that in the spring (2013) I will be walking the LU stage to receive my long awaited diploma. From there...who knows what else God holds for me.
As far as blogging - I have picked back up with that again but instead of continuing on this platform I have moved everything over to my new blog on wordpress. There you will find me blogging at "Fearless Heart" as a response to what God has been doing in me the last few years. This will be my last post here on "Journey with a Purpose" and I hope you will come on over and see me at "Fearless Heart". The address is www.fearlessheartministries.com . I would love for you to stop by -
I will be taking this blog down soon so take a moment right now to hop over to Fearless Heart and follow me there. It has been a joy to share with you and I appreciate so much the comments and interaction over the years. Praying that God will continue to grow you where he has planted you.